
Showing posts from April, 2017

Heal the World!

I look back in time, sitting on a chair, kept in my balcony.. not many but just a few years ago. As the wind brushes my hair and whispers in my ears, it reminds me of how the time has flown so fast with its lightening speed. It still feels as if it was just yesterday when I used to sit quietly in the middle of night, trying to figure out what would be my life be like in years to come... That feeling still gives me goosebumps. The anxiety of uncertainty still thrives through my body. My veins come closer to my skin. A lot has changed. Nothing has been as per the plan. Better or worst, cant say, but a lot has been written in this short chapter of life. The life which started in an extremely innocent manner and started its journey of experiences. That was the time when, we saw things and learnt about it. When we adapted to changes around slowly and gradually. When things seemed pretty simple. The biggest confusion that time was just to understand b is towards right and d is towards l...

गाँव में शहर !

बात शहर के दिखावे या गाँव के भरोसे की नहीं, यहाँ बात है एक दूसरे को अपनाने की तो क्या हुआ अगर देहात मुक्कमल है जज़्बातों  से  , शहर ने भी उसे बखूबी गले से लगाया है। मिठास उसकी बोली में है तो क्या हुआ, शब्दों ने ही तो संसार बिगाड़ा और बनाया है, हो सकता है मिठास उसकी कोशिशों में भी उतनी ही थी , पर देहात ने भी कहाँ उसे कभी स्वीकारा  है न आज़माइये हर रूह को संशय के पैमाने  से  , ज़रूरी नहीं जो दिखाई दे वो ही सच हो, इस  दुविधा  के पुराने खेल में अक्सर, कई रिश्ते जल कर राख हुए । क्या शहर है और क्या है गाँव, सब हमसे ही तो आबाद हुए हैं, अपनी अपनी संस्कृतियों की कोशिशों में, न जाने गुम क्यों इनके  जज़्बात  हुए  हैं ।

The truth behind misinterpreted Fact!

If I had to do my life over, I would choose not one but two of you, One who symbolized and added worth to life, And other who strengthen us to carry on the Legacy true... We are happy to call you our dad and are proud to be your Daughter-in-laws. Just like the one who is away, yet bothered, But here you show us how. Your love has always been pure, You have treated us as your own. You have always considered us as your real, Instead of just calling us daughter-in- law. On your birthday we wish you health, happiness and love Just be as you are as pure as Dove.... The fact the Daughter-in- laws have been generalized for a very long time now, as ones who have not considered their new families as their own. This thought process shall abolish now. The love and respect for their family can never be judged by their ability to fulfill the never ending expectations of their partners and the other members of Family.