
Showing posts from 2017

They Vs me :)

They wont ask how you felt,  They wont ask what just failed, They wont ask how long you have faced, They wont ask did u really made mistakes... They judged then and they will judge now, I wished it then and I wish the same somehow. Being a girl why they ask me to sail, Was it only me whose responsibilities failed.. May be for once he did lie, May be for once he manipulated the highs. May be what he said had never abide, May be his ways were never wise. What they told me , happens with all, I never saw non trending at all. What they told me I needed to accept, Such a mockery on relationships. They said once trust was the base, Then why when it shattered, They changed their ways. Why the rules weren't made the same. For my skin and curves, why they refrained. It has happened with her , same happened with me, He distrusted the breed called she. Still they never asked she’s to explain, For them he was wise and we were lame. She too begged like I did, But no...

काश ज़िन्दगी मेरी किताब होती ।

काश ज़िन्दगी मेरी किताब होती, जो लिख देता वैसी ही आबाद होती, छोटी ही सही कोई तो पढ़ता, कुछ पन्ने पलटकर, कुछ पर थम जाता, उम्मीदों की स्याही से कलम मेरी आजाद होती, ज़िन्दगी काश मेरी एक किताब होती। ज़ेहन में आता जो बस यूं ही लिख देता, परवाह न नज़रियों की होती, ना गिले शिकवों का अंदाज़ा होता। पढ़ कर मेरी कहानी, कहीं कोई तो मुस्कुराता। कुछ लम्हों में सिमटते अफसाने होते, उन्हीं अफसानों मे कहानी मेरी बयां होती, काश ज़िन्दगी मेरी किताब होती। गुमां होता मुझे हर पन्ने की फ़ज़्ल पर, कि हर पन्ना एक दौर का आइना होता। बेखौफ से कुछ अरमानों सी बेधड़क सी कुछ बेबाक सी, होती मेरी कहानी भी ऐसी, जैसे बाग़ी कोई रूह जवां होती काश ज़िन्दगी मेरी एक खुली किताब होती।

And this piece is Worth it!!


The Rain that Falls For Earth!

Let the rain fall from the misty sky, Let it sing in its notes so high. Somebody please capture those dews, Tomorrow may be the cloud would again be blue. Listen to its collision with mother earth, Thirsty since months craving to be soaked up. Feel the love they carry for each other, They die every moment and yet are zealed up. Ever wondered the concoction of the two, Smelled a beauty, and a luxurious view. Their love is long lived that's all we knew, The sacrifice they made, will always stay true. They say rain and earth define the weather, Separated far too long ,had to be together. No matter the span was just a unit of time, May the memories they leave will always be mine.


गुज़र चुका जो  काफिला , क्यूँ धूल उस पर की रोज़ साफ करते हो। याद है तुम्हें, जब कंधे पे बैठे थे तुम उनके, तब कहा था, बेटा तुम खामखां ही डरते हो। बे झिझक तब तुमने अपनी बांहे फैलाई थीं, हवा से बातें कर रही, तब  तुम्हारी  ऊंचाई थी। तो क्या हुआ आज कद तुम्हारा बढ़ गया, ऊचाई का एहसास तो उन्हीं ने दिलाया था। कुछ दूर तुम भी साथ चल लो उनके, कंधा उनका भी थक कर आज झुक आया है। माना कि अब हवा से गुफ्तगू ना करा सकेंगे वो, पर तूफान से लड़ना उन्हीं ने तुमको सिखाया है। हो सकता है, अब तुम्हें सहारे की जरूरत नहीं, ज़िद्दी फर्माईशे को अब आने की खाईश नहीं| पर मत भूलना, क़दमों पर चलना उन्हीं ने सिखाया है, खड़े रह  सको  तुम, इस काबिल बनाया है। आज कदम उनके हिलें तो संभाल लेना तुम, उन्होंने पूरा जीवन इस भरोसे पे टिकाया है। 


We both lived lives, the difficult ones, But our worlds did differ when they had begun.. We both took birth in the same era, But our believes are still in opposition.. I might not say whose flaws they were, Whatever they were led to undefined scepticism. Not that you are wrong at your​ perspective, And not that I am too adamant.. We are just poles aparts, In that huge, the fallen ocean. Not that you weren't loved, And not that I was being ignored. It's just the time that has fought its way, To show us what it behooved. But is that all what was wrong, And nothing beyond to be thought of. Wasn’t one really hurt, wasn't​ one really in despair, Wasn’t one betrayed on all the promises made. The trust that was defined as eternity, Wasn't bruised enough to set it free. You would never know what multiple does, Done as many cannot be reversed. You may think it's just the first, But the silent past recognised it as last. ...

Heal the World!

I look back in time, sitting on a chair, kept in my balcony.. not many but just a few years ago. As the wind brushes my hair and whispers in my ears, it reminds me of how the time has flown so fast with its lightening speed. It still feels as if it was just yesterday when I used to sit quietly in the middle of night, trying to figure out what would be my life be like in years to come... That feeling still gives me goosebumps. The anxiety of uncertainty still thrives through my body. My veins come closer to my skin. A lot has changed. Nothing has been as per the plan. Better or worst, cant say, but a lot has been written in this short chapter of life. The life which started in an extremely innocent manner and started its journey of experiences. That was the time when, we saw things and learnt about it. When we adapted to changes around slowly and gradually. When things seemed pretty simple. The biggest confusion that time was just to understand b is towards right and d is towards l...

गाँव में शहर !

बात शहर के दिखावे या गाँव के भरोसे की नहीं, यहाँ बात है एक दूसरे को अपनाने की तो क्या हुआ अगर देहात मुक्कमल है जज़्बातों  से  , शहर ने भी उसे बखूबी गले से लगाया है। मिठास उसकी बोली में है तो क्या हुआ, शब्दों ने ही तो संसार बिगाड़ा और बनाया है, हो सकता है मिठास उसकी कोशिशों में भी उतनी ही थी , पर देहात ने भी कहाँ उसे कभी स्वीकारा  है न आज़माइये हर रूह को संशय के पैमाने  से  , ज़रूरी नहीं जो दिखाई दे वो ही सच हो, इस  दुविधा  के पुराने खेल में अक्सर, कई रिश्ते जल कर राख हुए । क्या शहर है और क्या है गाँव, सब हमसे ही तो आबाद हुए हैं, अपनी अपनी संस्कृतियों की कोशिशों में, न जाने गुम क्यों इनके  जज़्बात  हुए  हैं ।

The truth behind misinterpreted Fact!

If I had to do my life over, I would choose not one but two of you, One who symbolized and added worth to life, And other who strengthen us to carry on the Legacy true... We are happy to call you our dad and are proud to be your Daughter-in-laws. Just like the one who is away, yet bothered, But here you show us how. Your love has always been pure, You have treated us as your own. You have always considered us as your real, Instead of just calling us daughter-in- law. On your birthday we wish you health, happiness and love Just be as you are as pure as Dove.... The fact the Daughter-in- laws have been generalized for a very long time now, as ones who have not considered their new families as their own. This thought process shall abolish now. The love and respect for their family can never be judged by their ability to fulfill the never ending expectations of their partners and the other members of Family.